Plan of Salvation
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Step 1 - Hear the word.
You can not talk to the spirit of God because you have not yet received the spirit, therefore you must hear the word of the Lord spoken by someone who has received the spirit. (Note: Yehoshua (Jesus) is the high priest of the people who have accepted him as high priest and have received the spirit of God. Before you start praying to God to help you, you must first follow steps 1,2, and 3.

Step2 - Believe that Yahuwah (God) sent His son Yehoshua (Jesus) to die on the cross for your sins.
Once you hear the truth, you have to believe it's the truth. You can't bypass this step and jump to step three.

Step 3- Ask Yehoshua to forgive your sins and be your Lord and savior.
Once you hear the word and you ask Yehoshua for forgiveness and for him to be your Lord and savior, you receive the Holy Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. Now you can talk to spirit of God. Now you can pray to your high priest Yehoshua. You can not ask Yehoshua to be your savior while you are full of sin. Get forgiveness first. It's done in one prayer or conversation with Yehoshua. Note this conversation must be done outwardly. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth. Let me make it clear why. Take for example a girl who ask her man to say he loves her out loud. He responds, but I do, you know that. She insist that he says it out loud. Now yes, he could be lying, but work with the scenario. When you really love that girl, you have no problem saying it out loud and in front of any one. If you really don't love her, you won't go around proclaiming you do to any one. In the same way, if you say you love Yehoshua and have accepted Him as your savior but you can't say it out loud, maybe it's because you really don't mean what you say.
Some Christians will say it's not necessary to pray this prayer out loud, that's it's a private thing between you and Yehoshua. They are right, because you could be completely alone when you make this prayer so what good would it do to talk out loud, but, if you are around others at the time, and you can not speak these words out loud, there is a question of rather or not you really believe. Based on the Bible you should be able to tell anybody what you now know about Yehoshua dying on the cross, even minutes after you accept, and that takes you opening your mouth, so you should have not problem accepting Yehoshua as your savior out loud if in front of others as you would be in a church service. To me, a minister or Christian encouraging silence, starts you on this Christian walk with a broken foot instead of running shoes.

By the way, the blood of Yehoshua washes away your sins, not the water baptism in step four.

Step 4- You are Baptized under water.
This is symbolic but mandatory gesture you must perform. It's the first of many actions you must do to show you have really accepted Yehoshua and the Kingdom of Heaven. You bury the old man, your old self, under water and come up a new man. Born again a new man. You are saved even if it takes a while for you to find some water to be baptized in.

Most Christians only teach those four steps as the plan of salvations. They leave out a very important step, honesty. Did you really believe?

Step 5 - Faith without works is dead.
Most Christians don't get this part. We have a contract with God and that contract has "If." clauses. Some IF clauses are test, ways to measure rather or not you are telling the truth. So, in this case, IF you really believe that Yahuwah is God in Heaven and that Yehoshua died on the cross for your sins, then wouldn't you tell other people about it? If you got a new car would you hide it in your garage? The Bible ask, if you had a light would you cover it up so no one could see? The truth about your belief can be directly measured by how must energy, thought, effort, you put into spreading the word. The next level of works that show if you really do believe or not is your level of sacrifice. Sacrifice is different than works. Many Christians can go out and tell people about Yehoshua and the Kingdom of Heaven but when it comes down to them making personal sacrifices, they just can't do it. Well works point to if there is any real belief or not, sacrifice will point to how much you believe.

Step 6- Saved by Faith.
Faith has many levels. Your faith can be high and your faith can be low. You can be saved with low faith just as with high faith, and naturally, in the beginning your faith will measure low. Your goal is to grow in faith over time so that eventually your faith is high. How will you know your faith has grown? You will have a greater desire to share the news about Yehoshua and the Kingdom of Heaven, and you will find it easier to make sacrifices in your life. Yehoshua warned us with very clear words, he said, "Pick up your cross and follow me." The cross represents sacrifice since that's what He did, He sacrificed Himself for our sins, so you are to sacrifice things as a member of the Kingdom of Heaven. There are other things you can look at to measure your faith but this is all you need for now.



We Believe
We believe we are saved through the resurrection of Yehoshua (Jesus) brought about by the Love of Yahuwah (God). The Love of God created a way for us to be reunited with him, we call that the Grace of the Living God. God's Grace designed a system in which we can be forgiven for our sins over and over again, never completely being cut off from the salvation, and that system or method or way was, The Anointed One dying on a tree to counter what Adam did at another tree.

The first Two Laws
We believe , as a Christian, we must have the desire to be reconciled to your neighbor, and must also want your neighbor to be reconciled to God. Lacking the desire to reconcile with your neighbor and not having the desire to spread the gospel so your neighbor can be reconciled to God means you don't have God's Love inside you.

The greatest law is Love Yahuwah with all your heart, mind and soul, while the second law is Love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you don't Love your neighbor you can't truly Love God. The bible says, "How can you say you love Me who you have not seen, but you do not love your neighbor who you have seen?" And by neighbor He means all human beings. This is a very hard thing to do at times, but with the aid of the Holy Spirit it is possible.

The Principle of Lack
Once you have Grace and Faith working in your life you must put into place the principle of lack. This principle states that anyone who has extra will share with those who are lacking. The inability to do this will clearly refute your statement that you are practicing the second law, loving your neighbor as yourself. This doesn't mean you have to sell everything you own and not provide for your future, but it does mean you should show concern/Love for you fellow man.

There should be Works
We believe faith without works is dead. You aren't saved by your works but, your faith is measured by your works. If you believe in the resurrection and you have Love for your neighbor you will want to share the word with them. If you don't have a desire to share the news of the resurrection of Yehoshua with your neighbor, the question can be asked, do you really believe in the resurrection and do you really love your neighbor? The work is evidence of you desire that your fellow man be reconciled to God thereby increasing the Kingdom, one person at a time. Where is your grace? God's Grace (desire for reconciliation) resulted in His Son dying on the cross for our sins. Do you have enough grace (desire) that your fellow man be made aware of their ability to take advantage of God's Grace and be saved, to cause you to open your mouth and speak God's truth? We do not work to earn our way into the Kingdom, we work because our desire to share the word makes us work.

It's not about the money
Lastly, we make the statement that we are not in this for financial profit; but rather, we know Yahuwah promised our daily bread and that he will provide, if we do as we have been told to do in the word of God.

We do not expect Yahuwah to give us the cattle on a thousand hills. We do not expect Yah to pay off our credit cards. We do not expect Yah to move us to the best part of town into a bigger and better house. We do not expect Yah to provide a brand new car ever five years. We do not expect Yah to give us money to travel all over the world.

We DO expect Yah to get us by day by day, using the system He had in place during biblical times which included the family structure as it was designed by Yah.

We do not spread the word because we expect to get paid, we spread the word because we Love our brothers and sisters, our fellow human beings and we want the Kingdom to grow.

We reject statements by ministers that claim Yah wants people in his kingdom to be rich in money, property and investments.

We understand the currency of the Kingdom of Heaven is Love; Yah desires us to be rich in love. Give and it shall be given to you press down running over, more than you have room enough to receive. Give Love and Love shall be given unto you, not give money and money will be given unto you. Yes sometimes Love comes in the form of money but the currency we work with in the Kingdom of Heaven is still Love.

We believe Yah has no issues with wealthy people. We believe you can earn as much money as you are able to, however, earning large amounts of money and storing large sums of money are two different things. If you are wealthy, that means you can bless a lot of people and that's a good thing.

Remember, unlike the world, in the Kingdom of Heaven you are measured not by how much you make but rather, by how much you keep.

God has a name
We believe it is important to call God by His name. By failing to call God Yahuwah or Yah, we have invited society to confuse Yah with false gods. We are Hebrew and our God is Yah, not some generic idea of a god.

We do not use false god's names in our sanctuary
We understand that amen was a god of the Egyptian people (Kemitians people), so we do not say amen in church or at the end of our prayers, but rather we say Hallelujah, which means, praise be to Yah.
Jeremiah 46:25 - The Lord almighty, the God of Israel says, "I am about to bring punishment on Amon god of Thebes, on Pharaoh, on Egypt and her gods and her kings."
Note: amon was also called amen, or amun.

We do not use graven images
We do not have a cross in our sanctuary, as ornaments like earrings or necklaces or bracelets and we definitely do not have crosses as a tattoo. Although you may have grown up with the cross, you need to understand it was the Catholic church that created the image of the cross to stand for Christianity? Catholicism. No where in the bible do you see Yah or Yehoshua expressing the need to use this image as representation of the Kingdom of Heaven, it's King Yah, or Yehoshua the Anointed one. Rememberance of the what Yehoshua did on the cross and using the cross and representaton of His sacrifice are two completely different things. You shouldn't need a cross made out of silver or gold to remember Yehoshua's sacrifice which represented Yah's Love and Grace. It is a violation of God's law to use a cross as representation of the Kingdom and we do not violate Yah's word.