Study guide for new members in the Kingdom of Heaven

Below are the essential of the gospel.
This will get you the understanding to live a Christian life.

5 Month lesson plan that covers the core subjects for Christian believing.


Lesson one

3 Weeks



Area covered: Gods Love and his desire to reconcile with us. Explaining the break with man in the garden (Adam) then jumping to the creation of Grace and the method to reconcile, which is Jesus Christ. Completing with us receiving the Holy Spirit after we repent and express believe in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Major focus: forgiveness. You must forgive others if you want God to forgive you. You must have desire to reconcile with others as God wants to reconcile with us and love for your neighbor (who is everyone) causes you to tell others about the resurrection so they can be reconciled to God. They likely won’t know what the word reconciled means.

Understanding reconciliation: reconcile back to where you were and then move forward. You may move forward with new rules as God did with us. He reconciles with us but changed us to under grace and truth, new rules to insure we don’t get completely cut off again. Reconcile back to where you were in truth with knowledge of the three types of Love; Agape (God’s love), Phileo (of the heart); and Agapao (of the head). You must always have Agape love but the other two are attached or not attached. You should be able to be in the room with anyone no matter what happened and have no bad feelings or thoughts toward that person however, you may choose to not to hang out with that person. Remember Phileo and Agapao are attachable and removable.

Example: years after a divorce you might not have Phileo (a since of attachment) toward your x spouse, but you likely will still have Agapao and you must have Agape.

Scriptures: (not limited to)

John 3:16 - for God so loved the world

Romans 11:5 – grace not by works

Eph 2:8 - not by works

II Timothy 1:9 – before beginning of time so can’t be earned

John 8:1-7 – he without sin cast first stone

Luke 6:41,42 – first pull the beam out of your eye

Romans 3:23 – all have sinned and falling short

Matthew 5:23 - 24 – leave gift at alter

Luke 23:33, 34 - father forgive them

Matthew 18:21, 22 - how many times do you forgive

Mark 11:25, 26- if you have an ought

Act 7:60 - Stephen forgave after stoning

Matthew 18:15-17- when can you stop reconciliation process

II Corinthians 5:18, 19, 20 reconciling the world

Romans 5:10 reconciled by Jesus life

James 5:20 – save a soul from death


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Lesson Two

2 Weeks


Two greatest rules: Love God, love your neighbor

We are to love God first and love our neighbor second. If we can’t love our neighbor then we don’t love God. If we love our neighbor we must want them to be saved/reconciled to God and the way to do that is to spread the word of God. If we don’t care if they are reconciled to God and saved from eternal death then we do not have Agape love. If you don’t love God then you aren’t saved. So the character that comes with the spirit of God, and a condition of salvation is the desire tell your neighbor how to reconcile with God.

Major focus: if you don’t love your neighbor you don’t really love God. Make forgiveness a priority.

Scripture (not limited to)

Matthew 22:37- love God with all your heart

1 John 4:20- can’t hate brother

1 Corinthians 13:8- love never fails

1 John 5:1 – follow rules easy

1 Corinthians 13:1-7 – if have no love

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Lesson Three

2 Weeks


Love your enemy

Area covered: The parable of the good Samaritan defines what is an enemy a neighbor, and those who are just indifferent towards you. The enemies are the ones who beat the man up. The indifferent ones are the ones who just passed by and did not help and the neighbor is the one who stopped to help. Jesus said to be like the neighbor to everyone.

Major focus: Letting go of anger and dealing with conflict. We as Christians living in Love can’t be enemies to anyone however others may set us up as their enemy. Understand it’s not so much how you act during the conflict that tells the story, but your actions after the conflict that truly tells the story of which camp you are in. Do you see where you are wrong? Is there a spirit in you to convict you? Do you forgive and can you be around that person with no bad thoughts about them?

Key: Christians don’t have enemies just people who want to be an enemy to them.

Scriptures (not limited to)

Matthew 5:43-48 - love your enemy

Romans 12:14 - bless don’t curse

Romans 12:17-21- God’s wrath

Luke 6”35- love your enemy

Proverbs 24:16-18 - rejoice not when enemy falls

Hebrews 12:14,15 – follow peace with all men


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Lesson Four

2 Weeks


Being Different

If you are going to be in the kingdom of heaven you need to be different than the rest of the world. There should be a separation and there will be some things you have to sacrifice. You need to understand this and find joy in being different. You must know that you are a member of the kingdom of God not the kingdom of the enemy (devil).

Major focus: peer pressure. You have to be able to break away from society when society is not acting by the rules of the kingdom of heaven. God doesn't’t want you to fit in he wants you to fit in just enough to be in so you can stand out and bring light to the darkness.

Scripture (not limited to)

1 Samuel 8:6-22 – Israel asked for a king to be like others

Luke 14:31 – go to war, count the cost

John 18:36 – Jesus kingdom not of this world.

1 John 2:15, 16 – don’t love the world

II Corinthians 5:17 – a new creature

II Timothy 2:22 – flee youthful lust

Ephesians 4:22-32 – renewing your mind

1 Peter 1:15,16 – be Holly in conversation

Romans 12:1 – living sacrifice

II peter 1:3-9 – divine nature


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Lesson Five

2 Weeks



There are 6 baptisms in the Bible. Baptism is a verb, and action that takes place. The first and they happen in this order is the Baptism of the Blood of Jesus Christ. The second is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The third is the Baptism into the body (the Christian family). The first three God does immediately after you accept the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ the next two you have to do. The fourth is the Baptism of repentance or the water. The fifth is the Baptism of sacrifice and the last, the sixth is the Baptism of fire (judgment).

So you see Baptism is a verb, an action word not just one event that you do.

Understanding the Baptism into the body: we become related by the spirit much in the same way people are related by blood.

Baptism of water is the old man going under the water as Jesus went into the grave and rose up a new man. Baptism of sacrifice is you started your work for the kingdom, letting go of fleshly desires for eternal thinking.

Major Focus: On sacrifice. Can’t be like the rest of the world. Must deny the flesh.

Scripture (not limited to)

Ephesians 4:7 – redemption thru Jesus blood

Romans 6:3 – Baptist into his death

Galations 3:27 – Baptist into Christ

1 Corinthians 12:13 - Baptist into one body

Acts 22:16 - be Baptist and wash sins away

Acts 19:4 – Baptism of repentance

Acts 11:16 – Baptism of water and Holy Spirit

Acts 1:5 – Baptist with Holy Spirit

Mark 10:38 – Baptism of sacrifice (same cup as Jesus, Jesus cup was sacrifice)

Matthew 3:11 – Baptism of Holy Spirit and fire (verse 12 more on fire)

1 John 5: 5,6 – us by water and blood

Mark 8:34 – take up cross and follow me


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Lesson Six

2 Weeks



Faith is toward the crucifixion and resurrection; toward and evidenced by the trinity, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Major focus: Anyone can say they have faith but there is a measuring stick for faith. Faith without works is dead. If you really believe then you would have the love of God and the love of God would cause you to want others to be saved. Your belief causes you to speak. If you believe then you have the Holy Spirit and the Spirit desires to spread the word, to speak on itself, so if you are NOT spreading the word you may not have the Holy Spirit because the spirit wants to save people. You talk about things you truly believe in. The Baptism of Sacrifice is part of “faith without works”.

Faith is increased when you receive the Holy Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.

Scriptures (but not limited to)

Hebrews 12:2 – author and finisher

Hebrews 11:1 – substance of

James 2:14 – no works equals no faith

Romans 8:24, 25 can’t see hope

II Corinthians 5:7 – walk by faith not by site

St. Luke 6:42, 43 – see clearly first, then fruit of labor


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Lesson Seven

2 Weeks


Spiritual warfare
which includes the following topics:

1-Keeping shield of faith high.

2-Developing Christian character (good fruit verses bad)

3-Not being a slave to anything

4-Fear vs Faith

The first thing the enemy (devil) has to do is get your shield of faith down. With your faith down the he can make attempt to destroy you. Anything he does with your shield high is simply an attack. Your job is to keep you faith high and work on developing good character. You can be Christ like if you have bad character, you must remove any bad character and replace it with good fruit of the spirit. This is “the light” in the saying you’re your light shine. If you don’t have spiritual fruit in character you will likely not have fruit of labor. ( Two types of fruit: God develops you, then with the Love of God in you, the spirit is able to do it’s work and save people through your voice.) Remembering anything that controls you is your master and you are to be the master over your body. And lastly understanding fear is one of the major weapons of the evil one.

Major focus: Getting rid of back character, replacing them with fruit of the spirit will help solve just about all your problems and make you victorious in the war.

Key- you’ve got to recognize that most of the snakes you have to get rid of are inside you.

Key – fear can only take up the space left void empty by lack of faith.

Scriptures (not limited to)

I John 4:18 - no fear in love

II Timothy 1:7 – not spirit of fear

Romans 8:15 - fear equals bondage

Mat 10:25 – don’t fear mean fear God

Hebrews 13:5,6 – What can man do

Ephesians 6: 11 – put on armor of God**

II Timothy 2:3,4 – soldiers for God

Galations 5:22 Fruit of spirit is love**

Ephesians 5:9 – fruit of spirit in all righteousness

Philippians 1:11 – being filled with fruits of righteousness

Matthew 7:15-20 – known by fruit

Hebrew 13:15 – fruit of out lips give thanks

Matthew 13:24-30 – bear fruit

Romans 8:15 – not a slave to fear


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Lesson Eight

2 Weeks


Looking backwards
How the Bible deals with the past.

If you look backwards then you can’t move forward. The devil wants you to look back so you can’t see the mountain in front of you. You can’t move that mountain if you can only see the mountain that you’ve already passed by in the past.

Major focus: Fear of the future is normally what makes us look back at the past. We start to regret and get stuck in hate, bitterness, un-forgiveness. Goal is to let go of the past by forgiving anyone and everyone. Forgive yourself, ask God for forgiveness and move on.

Scriptures (but not limited to)

1 Corinthians 13:2 cast mountain into the sea Mat 17:20 & Mat 21:21

Genesis 19:26 – lots wife looked back

Acts 7:39 – Israel hearts looked back

Luke 9:57-62 Jesus said don’t look back *** let the dead bury the dead

Jesus was talking about letting the unsaved bury the father but was also letting the man know if you want to move forward with me into this new life you can’t look back. If you go back then you are also dead spiritually.


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Lesson Nine

2 Weeks


Planting seeds. Who will hear?

The goal is to go out and tell the word to others, some will hear and some won’t. You have to understand this part of scripture so you won’t get frustrated. You also need to remember people are saved by the word, not by your presence.

Major focus: what happens to the plant when it goes bad. What happens to the weed.

Some people are weeds and will stay weeds. Some people are just waiting for the time they will get planted. A weed is always a weed. A plant is always a plant but can go bad, and some times someone appears to be a weed but are really just waiting for the season when the word takes root.

The parable of sowing. Matthew 13:18

Scriptures ( not limited to)

Mark 6:11 – shake dust off feet

II Timothy 3:1-9 – for of Godliness

II Timothy 4:3-4 – no sound doctrine

Who will hear?

St Luke 16:30,31 – if won’t hear profits, won’t hear spirits

1 Samuel 28:1-16 – from the grave

Matthew 13:1-17 they won’t hear any way

Matthew 11:20 – Jesus did miracles and people still didn’t believe

St. Luke 4: 24 – prophets not accepted at home

Matthew 4: 4 – by every word from God

Acts 4: 4 – who heard the word believed

Hebrews 4: 12 – two edged sword

I Thessalonians 2: 13 – receive it not as the word of man


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Lesson Ten

2 Weeks


Prayer & Praise

You must have the spirit of God to pray. You receive the spirit of God when you accept the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ before that the only prayer Jesus will hear is your prayer of repentance. Prayer equals strength through the spirit.

Praise is something that can only be done by someone who understands what God has done for them. By this point in the lesson plan you understand enough to want to praise God for saving you, for giving you joy and peace. If you can’t praise God then it’s likely because you don’t know what God has done for you. If you don’t know what God has done for you it’s because you haven’t looked in the mirror and seen all the bad fruit that is in you.

Major focus: prayer develops a relationship with Jesus. Praise is your recognition of the sinful nature that is inside you.

Scripture (not limited to)

Ephesians 6:18 – praying always

Ephesians 2:18 - need spirit to have access to God

Hebrews 13:15 – sacrifice of praise continually

Matthew 18:20 – 2 or 3 touching and agreeing

Romans 8:26 – spirit prays for us ***

Matthew 6:5 – do not be like the hypocrites

Matthew 21:22 – receive what you pray for (assuming you are thinking spiritual)

Luke 21:36 – watch and pray

Ephesians 2:18 – access to father thru one spirit


Ephesians 3:20 – to him be the glory

Ps 33:2 – praise the Lord with harp

Ps 47:1 – clap your hands

Ps 47:6 – sing praises to God

James 5:13 – sing songs of praise


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Lesson Eleven

1 Weeks


Principal of Lack

Sharing what you have. Love for others should result in you sharing with others that are lacking. In the kingdom no one should lack while others have extra.

Major focus: Feeding the homeless. Caring about others.

Scriptures ( but not limited to)

Acts 4:34-37 neither was there any among them that lacked

Acts 2:45 they sold and shared.


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Lesson Twelve

2 Weeks


Contentment equals happiness in the Bible

Happiness in the bible is being content in whatever state you are in, but the bible wants you to think eternal like Mother Teresa not earthly. The problem is we think about all the things we want and there for we aren’t content. We should get as close to complete eternal thinking as possible. If we can get there, we will be content if not there will be some frustration. That space of frustration created because we want stuff earthly based, is our problem not Gods.

Major Focus: excepting that if you don’t get everything you want in life you can’t blame God. Understanding at the end of the day God is more concerned with what you do for the kingdom not what you do hear on earth that will pass away. Your temporary existing earthly desires aren’t taking up a lot of room in God’s mind. In fact he may be wondering why you don’t get it that you are but a vapor and only what you do for him will last.

**Things that stop contentment are Bitterness; un-forgiveness; regret;

Scriptures (but not limited to)

I Timothy 6: 5-12 – supposing that gain is godliness

Philippians 4: 10-13 – whatever state I am, be content

Hebrews 13:5 – with such things as you have

*scriptures on rewards in heaven , don’t think earthly, rewards in heaven*

Matthew 6: 1 – reward in heaven

Matthew 5:12 – for great is your reward in heaven

I Cor 3:14 – he shall receive a reward

James 4: 14 – you are just a vapor

1 John 2:17 – the world passeth away


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Last point:
Trust in God is based on what is promised
not based on unreasonable expectations
(made up promises that aren't in the bible).

You have to read the bible to learn what the promises are.
